A Detailed Guide
Preparing for your airline selection process is crucial, and understanding what to expect can significantly improve your chances of success.
Understanding the Interview Process
Congratulations on making it to the interview stage! This accomplishment indicates you've already made a positive impression. Now, it's time to solidify your position as the ideal candidate. Airline interviews typically consist of two parts: a competency assessment and a technical assessment. The technical segment may cover a wide range of topics from the ATPL syllabus, including flight performance and meteorology.
The competency-based interview often poses more challenges for candidates, primarily due to misunderstandings about its purpose. Many interviews now follow a "tick box" approach, where assessors check off required competencies. Demonstrating these competencies effectively is your key to success.
Recruiters look for evidence of the following soft skills:
Situational Awareness
Business Orientation
Customer Focus
Risk Aversion
Motivation/Passion Common Interview Questions Candidates should be prepared to discuss their technical skills, flight experience, decision-making abilities, and interpersonal skills. Questions may include:
Your background and flying experience.
Reasons for wanting to work with the airline.
Handling disagreements with co-pilots.
Managing difficult flying situations.
Keeping updated with industry regulations and safety procedures.
Learning from challenging experiences.
Managing stress and fatigue.
Experience with specific aircraft types.
Handling on-board medical emergencies.
Valuing communication between cabin and flight crew.
If You're Stumped by a Question
If you encounter an unexpected question, request to return to it later. Failure to answer may imply you lack the required competencies. If necessary, discuss what you would do in a hypothetical situation.
Preparation Tips
Practice answering common questions.
Research the airline thoroughly, including its fleet, destinations, and company culture.
Stay informed about current events and industry news.
Be honest if you don't know an answer.
What to Wear
Your attire should be professional and conservative, reflecting the industry standard. A smart suit, polished shoes, and a conservative tie are recommended.
Interview Logistics
Plan your journey to the interview location, considering potential delays. Arriving about 10 minutes early is ideal.
During the Interview
Conduct yourself professionally at all times and treat everyone you meet with respect. Be genuine in your responses and avoid fabricating answers.
What to Bring
Ensure you have all necessary documents, including your flying license, medical certificate, logbook, and any relevant qualifications.